This project has been undertaken in collaboration with the Garrison Library in Gibraltar and several leading UK museums and libraries. All these institutions have generously shared with us their material on Gibraltar to ensure that our Archive forms as extensive as possible a collection of oral interviews and supplementary material covering the period 1930-1970. In particular, special thanks are due to the Imperial War Museum for agreeing to a reciprocal arrangements whereby we were allowed the pick of their Gibraltar-related audio recordings in return for placing a copy of our archive in their permanent collections.
First and foremost our appreciation goes to all those who have rallied to the call and taken us on our wondrous journey, shared with us their personal experiences and family stories, Without them this Archive would not have been possible. finally our thoughts are with those who, since sharing their lives with us, have passed away, their memories live on in our Archive.
Jerry Robinson – Project Manager
Mary Ingoldby – Oral Historian
Copyright of all the oral history interviews conducted by the project team rests with the Friends of Gibraltar. However, in donating the Archive to the Garrison Library and lodging a copy with the IWM the administration of copyright is in effect devolved to them. Where audio recordings in the Archive have been contributed by other instituions then copyright remains with them. The same principle applies to the ownership and copyright of the supplementary material contained in the Archive. In many cases the originator may be difficult to determine therefore it is the responsibility of those accessing and intending to use this material to determine the owner and copyright conditions. All the material in the Archive is presented on the understanding that it is for personal and educational use and research purposes only. Use of our material for financial gain or commercial purposes without specific approval is strictly forbidden. In addition to copyright, if reproducing this material the usual acknowledgement of ownership should be quoted.